Things To Know About Getting Ultrasounds During Pregnancy

Most moms-to-be look forward to ultrasounds more during pregnancy than any other prenatal appointment. Why? It’s easy to see! It’s fun to sneak a peek at your baby while your OBGYN checks for sure signs of growth and development. Many women want to find out as soon as possible what their baby’s gender is, and […]
What You Should Know About Your Baby’s First Ultrasound?

Between nausea, cravings, or the constant need to pee, you know something’s going on inside. But pregnancy sometimes doesn’t feel entirely real unless you have your first peek at your baby during your first prenatal ultrasound. Fortunately for the curious and anxious alike, an early pregnancy scan in London is very standard and also welcomes […]
7 Healthy Tips for Overweight Pregnant Women

Having a baby is the most exciting time of life for women, and it’s an exhilarating yet beautiful experience. Over time women make healthier changes and maintain body weight for the well being of the baby. Regular physical activity will also assist before and after the birth of a baby. It discounts the chances of […]
What Is An Early Pregnancy Scan? How IS IT Performed by A Gynaecologist?
So, you have been feeling different recently. You have noticed physical changes and have missed your periods, which is a huge sign that something has changed within you. With some hesitation, you have brought back a pregnancy kit and took the test. And then you wait for the result. If you have been displaying all […]
Things Must Know About Early Pregnancy Scans
Early pregnancy could be daunting while it is also an exciting experience for new moms to be. At first, you cannot believe that you are actually pregnant but slowly the feeling sinks in and you become happy, enjoying this new feeling. At first, you may not experience any symptoms of pregnancy, apart from the strip […]
When Should You Go For An Early Reassurance Scan?
Hearing about your pregnancy could be exciting, but the excitement will soon transform into concern and anxiety as you begin to worry about the new baby developing in your womb. Whether you had pregnancy complications earlier or a first-time mom to be, it is very natural to be worried about your baby. Here in this […]
Know The Reasons Why A Early Pregnancy Scan Is Beneficial
Congratulations on your pregnancy! You are on cloud 9. And, everyone in our family is ecstatic on hearing this news. The initial few months are when you need to be most careful about your health. You are contemplating the idea of doing a scan to make sure everything is alright. Most women prefer to wait […]
Key Information About Early Pregnancy Scan That You Must Know
Why do an early pregnancy scan? A practicing gynaecologist at a private gynaecology clinic in London or a midwife would generally recommend you to undergo an early pregnancy scan to determine the nature of your pregnancy. The gynaecologist usually recommends an early pregnancy scan if you experience pain, spotting or bleeding, or if you have […]
Symptoms Of Early Pregnancy That One Should Know
When you miss a period, the first question that usually pops in your head is — am I pregnant? The surest way to confirm is by undergoing an early pregnancy scan in London. But it helps to know what the early signs or symptoms of pregnancy are. Your body experiences a plethora of changes after […]
The Unknown Advantages of Ultrasound Scan During Early Pregnancy
To receive ultra sound during pregnancy is a great way to observe any changes caused in foetuses. The early pregnancy scan process involves a screening device at the time of pregnancy to view the foetus. It is also known as a sonogram and is used for multiple purposes. Obstetric ultrasounds are also a very important […]