Know The Causes Of Vaginal Itching And Swelling Problem

A vagina that is swollen can terrify any woman and keep her wondering the reason. Usually, changes in the vulva and vagina may happen from to time during your menstrual cycle, pregnancy and sexual intercourse.

Even though swollen and painful vaginas are not always caused by serious reasons, it is always better to see a private gynaecologist to rule out cysts, allergies and infections that cause pain, swelling and discharge. Vaginal issues are often combined with high fever, heavy bleeding and severe pain – in which case you need immediate medical attention. In any case, do not worry as such conditions can be treated under the guidance of a gynaecologist.

Vaginal Itching & Swelling: 6 Causes and Treatment

  • Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial Vaginosis refers to an infection caused when there is a bacterial imbalance in your vagina. Using scented soaps and products is a common cause of BV, and is recognised by its off-white, watery and fishy-smelling discharge. In any case, it is better to consult a doctor for vaginal itching treatment.

  • Cysts

Bartholin’s cysts and Gartner’s duct cysts could cause vaginal cysts, which is a rare condition in itself. Gartner’s duct cysts occur when their sexual organs develop and generally heal after birth. Nevertheless, they could often develop into harmless cysts if left untreated. Bartholin’s cysts form on the glands located on each side of your vagina. Even though they are harmless and often unnoticed, infected cysts cause swelling and pain.

  • Allergies

The vagina is a sensitive area and could react to certain hygiene products, lubricants, body wash, menstrual products, washing powder or latex. Try cutting the possible causes out one by one, to see if the itching continues.

  • Yeast infection

Also called ‘thrush’, fungal or yeast infections cause the vagina to burn with inflamed skin. A sore and itching vagina could also be combined with a discharge resembling cottage cheese, which needs to be diagnosed by vaginal discharge testing.

  • Cellulitis

Cellulitis refers to a bacterial infection occurring in the broken skin around the vagina, often possible by shaving. This could lead to an infection that causes swelling and soreness and can be treated with antibiotics.

  • Genital herpes

This sexually transmitted infection (STIs) currently has no cure. It can be diagnosed with vaginal sores, accompanied by pain, swelling and discomfort.

What causes a vagina to swell?

Your vagina could be swollen due to no lubrication or excessive friction during intercourse. As the damaged skin is healing, there are chances of bacterial infection.

Your vagina might swell when you are pregnant, as a growing foetus adds pressure on your pelvic blood vessels and muscles. The added pressure causes inflammation and swollen feet and hands in pregnancy. If you are unsure about the condition, book an appointment with your private gynaecologist for vaginal swelling treatment.

How should you treat a vagina that is swollen?

Even though there are over-the-counter medications and creams available for vaginal swelling and pain, consult your gynaecologist for proper medical treatment. Switch to unscented sanitary napkins, as they are gentler on the skin. Use plain water and fragrance-free (and colourant-free) soap to clean yourself if needed, as the vagina is a self-cleansing organ.

It is important to get immediate medical attention if you are experiencing vaginal health problems. If you are looking for vaginal pain treatment, consult us at Well Women Clinic.

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