How to Prepare Yourself Before Your Medical Abortion?

If you are pregnant and have decided to get an abortion, you should be well prepared for it. It is natural to have many questions regarding this, and you should get them resolved at the earliest. Although people around you might make you feel as if getting an abortion done is not the right decision, you shouldn’t get influenced by them. You should talk to a private gynaecologist and clear all your doubts.
Before you choose to get an abortion, you should know that there are two types of abortion procedures – surgical and medical.

Surgical abortion is the widely followed one because it is the safest procedure when it comes to abortion. The best time to perform a surgical abortion is during the first trimester when there are little or no complications. Private surgical abortion London clinics will guide you more about this.

Another option is medical abortion. In this procedure, no surgical process is used to remove the fetus from a woman’s uterus. Private medical abortion London clinics will guide you more about this. This process is used only till 63 days of gestation. This is because of the risks involved in the process.

No matter what procedure you choose, you should prepare yourself well before the abortion. In this article, we will tell you some useful steps to follow before a medical abortion.

1. If you’ve decided to undergo a medical abortion, the first thing you should do is confirm that you are pregnant. You can do this by yourself using a urine pregnancy test available at your nearest pharmacy. You can also go to a nearby lab and get a blood test and USG done. Although USG is not the right test to confirm pregnancy, you get to know the length of your pregnancy.

2. Once you are sure about your pregnancy and know its length, you should consult a doctor and decide if the medical abortion is the right procedure for you.

3. You should be aware of the fact that medical abortion involves the administration of pills. There are two types of medicines available in the market. One of them is mifepristone. This drug works by stopping the pregnancy by blocking the hormone progesterone. The other drug is misoprostol, which leads to the contraction of the uterus, forcing it to expel the tissue responsible for the pregnancy.

Apart from knowing these medical complications, you should also make yourself aware of any legislation in your country related to abortion. Some states make counseling sessions a must before you undergo a medical abortion.

You should also let go of any financial stress you can have due to the procedures involved in abortion. Stress can cause complications in the process. The best way to do this is to see if you have any medical insurance and if this is covered under that.

Also, understand that it is not important to tell everyone about abortion. It is your choice to announce it to all or to keep it secret. Do what you are comfortable with because this your decision and you shouldn’t be influenced by anyone else.

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