Heavy Periods: How To Deal With It?

Some women having heavy periods either do not realise that their periods are unusually heavy or they do not consider it serious enough to take professional help. More than the availability of help, the real problem is the lack of awareness regarding this. Read on to understand heavy periods and how to deal with them.

Causes of heavy periods

Every period pain treatment begins with understanding the causes behind it. Because without the removal of these causes, the treatment cannot be complete.

  1. Pregnancy

It surprises many people that pregnancy can also be the cause of heavy periods. If a woman has conceived just before getting her next period, her periods might be extremely heavy. Apart from that, if a woman bleeds during the first trimester of her pregnancy, that flow might still be heavy. There might be various reasons for it, hinting towards the incorrect placement of the foetus.

  1. Uterine fibroids

The growth of uterine fibroids is one of the most prominent causes of heavy periods. Fibroids are not usually a reason for concern but if they hinder the usual menstrual cycle, then they would cause heavy periods.

  1. Cancer

Clots of cancer present in the ovaries and cervical area could be one of the reasons for heavy periods. Heavy periods are mostly because of the possibility of them being cancerous. That is also because other than heavy blood flow, there are no other major signs of cervical or ovarian cancer that can be observed at early stages.

  1. Hormonal imbalances

Hormonal imbalance due to various other factors ranging from stress to PCOS can be the reason for the disturbance of flow in periods. It can either be excessively less or more.

Treatment for heavy painful periods

Period pain treatment includes a few medical and surgical interventions. But one has to remember that without lifestyle changes, there are no permanent solutions to it.

  1. Monitor your cycles.

One of the first questions that your gynaecologist is going to ask you when you complain about heavy painful periods is about the regularity of your cycle. For that, you need to monitor your cycles well and keep a check on your floor having a record of the last 3 cycles at least would be required when you visit your gynaecologist. This helps them crack the pattern in which your body is changing.

  1. Keep your body hydrated.

During heavy painful periods, it is important to keep track of the hydration of your body and consume more water. The body is already in a weak state due to the loss of blood. So it would be a grave predicament if you get dehydrated. Drinking ample amounts of water is advised during heavy periods.

  1. Pay attention to food nutrients.

You must be mindful of your food ingredients and nutrition. This involves increasing the consumption of some foods while decreasing the consumption of a few others. Consumption of fruits and vegetables should be increased. Make sure you eat food with the least amount of external processing and seasoning to get the correct nutrients organically.

Along with that, having foods that are rich in calcium and iron are equally important. Getting iron through organic ways is the best way to go about it. At the same time, decreasing consumption of processed sugar, oils, spices would be helpful.

  1. Strategize your food pattern.

What you eat is important for your body but when you eat it is also equally important. So before you check treatment for heavy painful periods, plan your food timings and abide by that. Avoid going hours without eating anything or drinking anything. At the same time, do not have irregular timings for your meals each day. They will disturb the metabolism and sleep-wake cycle of your body.

  1. Expect some medication and surgical advice on rare cases.

Heavy periods are usually treated by gynaecologists by administering some anti-inflammatory drugs along with iron-rich tablets. This reduces the bleeding and also increases the strength of the body. But if fibroids are not controlled through medication, then laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery would be advised by your doctor which will help you in solving issues regarding periods for the long term.

To know more in detail about laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery, visit Well Women Clinic.

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