Things You Must Discuss with Your Gynaecologist

Things You Must Discuss with Your Gynaecologist

Women frequently Google “What is PCOD” due to health concerns. Alternatively, “Why does it smell down there?” Five out of ten women have these issues daily but avoid discussing them with their doctors or gynaecologists out of fear of looking foolish. Feeling uncomfortable is  natural, but be assured that your doctor has heard everything. Private […]

Women s Health Checkups Are Required To Make Them Stronger

A woman should take a complete health screening once every year by doing so certain health diseases could be ruled out via specific tests, detected diseases can be cured at the early stage. It is generally observed that, while a woman pursues multiple roles in her family and society, her own health is often overlooked. […]

Risk of Getting Pregnant After 35 and Ways to Overcome

You might have heard about the fact that women who get pregnant between 20 to ’30s are a good age for the baby and the mother itself. But once she crosses her age of 35 years then complications may erupt. You might want to speak with a private gynaecologist on the same who can guide […]

How To Deal with Morning Sickness During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey for every woman who once wanted to be a mother and wanted to nourish her child with the goodness of life. though pregnancy makes women beautiful and enriches their overall persona, however, there is a major factor that comes along with being pregnant, and all the gynaecologists in London agree it’s […]

Types of Early Pregnancy Scan That You Should Know

Due to the vast technological and medical advancements in today’s world, pregnant women can now avail hundreds of pregnancy scans at different stages, each of which comes with different purposes. The procedure begins with early pregnancy scans, which confirm the baby’s presence, growth according to the gestation period, heartbeat, and other structures. Also, you get […]