How To Differentiate And Select: Medical Abortion And Surgical Abortion

Which type of abortion to choose can be a tough decision to make. Here, we will check out the various aspects of private medical abortion and surgical abortion. This information will help you make the decision that works for you.

Medical abortion
Private medical abortion in London is an effective method of terminating the pregnancy when it is performed within the eighth week of pregnancy. Experts say that there is a chance of 98% success when medical abortion is done within the stipulated time frame. Medical abortion is essentially a two-step process, wherein the patient needs to take the first pill — mifepristone, at the clinic under the doctor’s supervision. This pill blocks the hormone progesterone from entering the womb, and thus, stops the further development of the foetus. The pill may cause possible side effects, like dizziness, nausea, bleeding or cramping. The doctor will prescribe the patient anti-nausea medicines, pain killers and the second pill misoprostol.

Approximately 24 to 48 hours after taking the first pill, the patient has to then take the second pill — misoprostol. They can take this pill at their home itself. This pill will cause a contraction in the uterus, causing it to expel the foetus. This process will be followed by cramping and heavy or moderate bleeding for up to 12 hours. Since misoprostol doubles up as a medicine for stomach ulcer, it can have a slightly strong temporary effect causing you to feel sick during the abortion process.

Avoid greasy, fried or spicy foods during the abortion process as it could further upset your stomach. After the pregnancy is removed, you could experience bleeding for another two weeks. Plus, the bleeding level can vary from heavy bleeding to mild bleeding. Some patients experience less bleeding, while others experience more bleeding. After the two-week period, the patient has to visit the private gynaecologist for a follow-up check-up to get a confirmation that the abortion process is complete.

Surgical abortion
If the patient has completed eight weeks of pregnancy but has not reached the eighteenth week, then the private gynaecologist usually recommends the surgical abortion procedure to terminate the pregnancy. Unlike medical abortion, a private surgical abortion in London is completed entirely at the clinic under the supervision of the gynaecologist and the support of the nurses and other staff members and your family members. The surgical abortion also has a higher success ratio — according to experts, it is almost 98% when done within the stipulated time of 18 weeks of pregnancy. The private gynaecology clinic can offer you proper anxiety management and sedation to relieve anxiety or discomfort associated with this type of abortion. However, it is observed that not many patients find these necessary.

In a private surgical abortion process, the patient is injected with local anaesthetic in her lower spinal cord to numb or anaesthetise the cervix region. Then, a dilator is gently inserted into the vagina up to the cervix region, and the cervix is stretched gently or dilated. After this, a cannula is inserted into the uterine region and the pregnancy is removed through a gentle suction process. The entire process gets completed in approximately five minutes. After the process, the patient will have to stay in the recovery room to allow the effects of the anaesthesia to subside and to take some time to recuperate.

For a pregnancy that needs a two-day abortion procedure, on the first day, the gynaecologist will first insert a laminaria into the cervix region. The laminaria will absorb all the moisture and gradually expand the cervix overnight. The next day, the gynaecologist at private gynaecology clinic in London would bring out the laminaria and then conduct the surgical abortion procedure.

Benefits of medical abortion

  • It could be done effectively during the early pregnancy, i.e., within eight weeks of pregnancy.
  • The process of abortion is non-invasive.
  • It does involve any clinical process or anaesthesia.
  • This abortion can be conducted within the privacy and comforts of your home with the support of your family and friends.
  • It will make you feel more control over your body.
  • The process feels more natural, i.e., somewhat similar to heavy periods or miscarriages.

Benefits of surgical abortion

  • It is safe, quick and effective.
  • The abortion process is conducted by a certified gynaecologist with the support of nurses and trained staff.
  • The process gets completed in approximately five minutes.
  • You have the option of anxiety management and IV sedation.
  • Any kind of follow-up check-up is not required.
  • Less bleeding is experienced afterwards.
  • Cramping and discomfort after surgical abortion can be managed with the help of ibuprofen.

The kind of private abortion you need to undergo can only be determined when you visit the private gynaecology clinic in London. The doctor will conduct a thorough examination of your pregnancy, and depending on the weeks of gestation, they will recommend to you the best method of private abortion in London.

If you are searching for the best clinic for private abortion in London, then you must visit the Well Woman Clinic today.

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