Things to Know About Abortion Pills for Abortion

Medical termination of pregnancy is performed majorly in two ways: surgery or abortion pills. If you do not want to go ahead with surgery, abortion pills are a safe and simple method to end your pregnancy. However, you must be pregnant for under eleven weeks after the first day of your last period, and this procedure must be performed at home. Though private abortions in London usually work if they are completed the right way, book a follow-up appointment to be reassured that the pill has worked.

Why do People Choose the Abortion Pill?

Your choice of abortion method depends on your health, preference, and family situation. When you undergo a private medical abortion in London, you sometimes do not want a procedure in a doctor’s office. Instead, you want to start the process in the comfort and privacy of your home. You can bring your family member, partner or alone. Medical abortion is similar to a miscarriage, so women consider it less invasive and more natural.

How does the Abortion Pill Work?

In medical abortion, you must take two different medicines: mifepristone and misoprostol. Progesterone is the hormone that supports the healthy advancement of the pregnancy, while mifepristone blocks the body’s progesterone.

You consume the misoprostol after forty-eight hours or immediately, which causes the bleeding and cramping to empty the uterus. The procedure resembles heavy and painful periods to an early miscarriage, and the uterus finally expels the foetus. If you do not notice bleeding after twenty-four hours of taking the second medicine, consult a private gynaecologist. They would prescribe medication and antibiotics, the location and time of which depends upon the hospital’s policies and state laws.

The bleeding and cramping last for several hours, usually between four to five hours. Much of it slows down after the pregnancy tissue is expelled, though cramping is expected for a couple of days more. Take ibuprofen and anti-nausea medicine at least thirty minutes before the misoprostol to counter the cramping, but avoid aspirin; it could make you bleed more.

If you experience spotting and bleeding after the abortion, use sanitary napkins, menstrual cups, and tampons to collect the same. Doctors would usually recommend you to use sanitary napkins for the first few days to track the bleeding, which would continue for several weeks after the procedure.

After a specified time, return to the health centre for a follow-up appointment – either a blood test or ultrasound. You can even take a home pregnancy test, which would confirm that you are not pregnant anymore. If the abortion does not work, discuss the options with your doctor for additional medication or surgery to complete the procedure.

When Can You Have an Abortion Performed?

Depending on the location, you are eligible for medical abortion up to eleven weeks from the first day of your last period. If the time limit has passed, you will have to undergo private surgical abortion in London to end the pregnancy.

What to Expect in a Medical Abortion?

Women will experience heavy bleeding and cramping, which signifies that the body is expelling the pregnancy. Along with this, you will have vomiting, nausea, abdominal cramping and pain, chills, diarrhoea, headache, fever, and chills. Though these symptoms are countered with over-the-counter medication, visit a private abortion clinic in London if you experience: persistent or heavy bleeding, passing large blood clots, severe back or abdominal pain, high and prolonged fever, foul-smelling vaginal discharge, and remaining signs of pregnancy.

Apart from the physical symptoms, people experience guilt, shame, anger, regret, loss of self-esteem, loneliness, sleep problems, suicidal thoughts, and relationship problems. Take pain medication, use heating pads, take warm showers, sit on the toilet and have someone give you back rubs for comfort.

How Do You Know When an Abortion is Complete?

As the abortion completes itself, you will notice lighter bleeding, less cramping, and no fever. Your body will start ovulating three weeks after the abortion, which means that you can get pregnant again.

Medical abortions are as physically and emotionally challenging as surgical abortion, and you must care for yourself. If you are looking for private pregnancy termination clinics, contact us at Well Women Clinic.

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