Things to Expect If Women Have a Medical Abortion

Women can choose to terminate their pregnancy for various reasons, which may be personal, or financial. It is imperative that women use services that are safe and get themselves physically checked before proceeding with pills, or for surgical removal applied in cases of complications, or if the pregnancy has developed beyond the medical abortion stage.

The doctors check the patients’ medical history, for STDs, contraceptive options, and blood tests along with an ultrasound to check the term of the pregnancy, before proceeding with the medications. The private abortion in London that you visit will guide you to the right methods based on your results.

Medical abortions
The process involves taking two tablets to induce an abortion, within the period of 6 to 9 weeks of pregnancy. The first involves the woman visiting their gynaecologist and being administered Mifepristone; the tablet work by blocking progesterone, the main hormone responsible for the lining of the uterus for fertilized eggs. This usually doesn’t entail cramping or bleeding or in very rare cases, mildly. In cases of complications, please contact the private gynaecologist immediately.

The patient will then be required to return within the next 24 hours for the next tablet. It is crucial to take some time off work on the second day, and you should ideally take painkillers before the appointment; the advisable doses are 500mg of paracetamol, which should be taken twice with Diclofenac 100mg, and no aspirin. Aspirin does not allow blood to clot, making it dangerous for the patient.

Misoprostol is the drug administered on the second visit, along with antibiotics and painkillers. The drug works by breaking down the uterine walls along with the lining to expel the fertilized eggs along with it. Cramping and heavy bleeding are normal, and it is vital to wear sanitary napkins and not tampons to keep infections at bay. Side effects of the drug can be diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, and shivering, and if excessive bleeding occurs, like soaking two sanitary towels in an hour, then it is imperative to get assistance, immediately.

The bleeding becomes much lighter after 48 hours after the egg has been expelled. However, it is normal to have a flow for up to a fortnight. The follow-up visit to the private medical abortion London should be within a week; a pregnancy termination can be a difficult, and seeking emotional and mental support is advised for an easier time.

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