Things to Consider Before Choosing a Private Gynaecologist During Pregnancy

There are several big private gynaecology clinics in London. However, some are more exclusive clinics of leading private gynaecologists. In London, women usually prefer visiting private clinics under one doctor like Dr. Nilesh Agarwal’s Well Woman Clinic. These specialists only attend to a few patients at a time and provide women with very complicated healthcare services.

However, very few private gynaecologists also have fertility treatment credentials. Though there are so many private gynaecology clinics, London’s best fertility clinics provide a very specific service. These clinics specialize in helping women who have fertility problems.

If you’re having an assisted pregnancy, or you have had a miscarriage before; you need to see a specialist like Dr. Nilesh Agarwal. At the Well Woman clinic, he uses his deep insight and experience to guide the mother through the crucial first trimester of the pregnancy.

The Most Important Visits to a Private Gynaecologist during Pregnancy:

If you’re booking appointments at any private gynaecology clinic in London, you will need to book early. At private gynaecology clinics in London, you sign up for specialist medical attention. You may need to change doctors across the different terms of your pregnancy, but that guarantees better care. Since the best doctors like Dr. Nilesh Agarwal have very limited time, they only attend to a limited number of patients at a time.

The vital cycle for clinical visits during the first trimester of your pregnancy is:

(a) The 6 Week Visit: This is the crucial first month period when the pregnancy needs to be confirmed. Even if your periods have stopped, the pregnancy may not have commenced. Only specialized observation and scans by your private gynaecologist would reveal whether the embryo has attached to the uterine wall successfully.

(b) At 8 Weeks: This is the stage when your visit to any of these private gynaecology clinics in London would be about dating your pregnancy. Your attending doctor must be very accurate with his predictions, which takes years of clinical experience.

(c) At 10 Weeks: By this stage, it would be determined whether you are having a healthy pregnancy or not. Specialized blood-work, chromosomal tests, and specialized tests like the IONA® test confirm the health of the foetus and the mother. You would also need to undergo a few weekly ultra-sound scans for a better diagnosis.

(d) At 13 Weeks: Private gynaecologists like Dr. Nilesh Agarwal complete a final review before signing you off to a pregnancy guidance oby-gynae or maternity specialist for the rest of your term. This is a crucial stage for your health check. The Well Woman Clinic has a special wellness check program which holistically tracks hormonal, blood constituent, and physiological health.

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