Is It Okay To Have Pregnancy After The Age Of 35?

Pregnancy warrants a roller coaster of mixed emotions. Many women feel relieved that it’s finally happening after years of trying to conceive. While some women who are not sure about having a baby might be terrified. Either way, it’s completely alright to feel all the emotions. 

A common misconception runs around in our society that women should conceive before 30 years of age to avoid complications. Here’s the thing: not every woman will have a complicated pregnancy, and it differs from one to the other. 

Usually, women having Pregnancy after 35 do not face complications. It might seem difficult and nerve-wracking. But if you consider all the precautions, you will certainly enjoy the ride of motherhood. 


There are a few key points that every woman should consider if planning for Pregnancy after 35. Our gynaecologists in London have hands-on experience delivering adorable babies and facing complications, and here’s what they have to say. 

Pregnancy after 35 surely stirs up complications like premature birth, congenital disabilities, and more. 

It’s crucial to get your pregnancy scan in London, and our gynaecologist suggests prenatal tests to check if the baby is at risk of congenital disabilities.

Many women get diagnosed with gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, and preeclampsia – a condition where after almost 20th weeks, the woman’s organs like kidney and liver might not function effectively. 

Due to these health conditions, there can be trouble during Pregnancy like the following – 

  • Premature birth – where the baby is born too soon before completing the 37 weeks. 
  • Having multiple babies like twins, triplets, or more. Older women are more likely to have it due to hormonal changes. 

There are many fertility treatments out there that are responsible for multiple babies. It’s essential to communicate with your healthcare provider about the treatments to get pregnant with only one baby. 

  • Congenital disabilities like down syndrome are actively increasing among pregnant women. 
  • Many times C-section, i.e. Cesarean birth, also causes infection and reaction. 
  • Miscarriages often occur before the 20 weeks where the baby dies in the womb. And, there is stillbirth where the baby dies after 20 weeks of Pregnancy. 

The above mentioned are the common complications that women might face during Pregnancy. We at Well Woman Clinic encourage women to opt for health check-ups frequently. 

Now that we discussed the complications let’s understand what you can do to have a safe and healthy pregnancy. 


The first step before planning to conceive is getting a preconception check-up. We perform a medical check-up at our private gynaecology clinic in London to ensure you are healthy before you get pregnant. 

The healthcare provider will discuss the lifestyle, habits to incorporate, family history, vaccinations, health condition of your partner. It is important to provide all the health records to your gynaecologist for the utmost safety.

Get moving. We cannot emphasize more how crucial it is to move and exercise. If you are overweight or underweight, there will be problems during Pregnancy. Do some physical activity every day and indulge in healthy yet delicious food.

Do not smoke, drink, and protect yourself from allergic chemicals. If you feel stressed or depressed, get in touch with the doctor to guide you through. Besides, you can also do some activities for mindfulness and stress relief. 

Lastly, your doctor might prescribe you some added vitamins, folic acid, and minerals after your tests. It is mandatory to take as per your doctor’s prescription for the healthy development of your baby. 

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