Important Things to Know about Fertility Health Checks

As soon as a woman reaches her 30 the word “biological cycle” starts hitting her. People who have hardly been in a science class, start giving suggestions to have a child or it will be hard for her to get pregnant as her “biological cycle” is ticking. Due to this social pressure, most women start getting stressed and conscious about their fertility. For your fertility health, it is very important to avoid stress. It has an adverse effect on your body and mainly on fertility. In spite of it, start fertility health check by your own

so that you will know the right time to plan a family. Here are a few important things which you should know about fertility:

Things to Know about Fertility Health Checks

How do you conceive:

Well, it is not so difficult for one to understand. It is about a woman’s body and one should know about it. Every month ovary produces an egg and releases it. Then the egg enters the Fallopian tube and stays for the next 24 hours. Within these 24 hours if it meets a sperm it gets fertile or else it breaks in the uterus.

When do you conceive:

An egg survives for 24 hours and a sperm survives for 5 days in a woman’s body. It is important to have sperm in that 24 hours cycle if you want your egg to get fertilized. If the egg does not get fertile it breaks down and there is no chance of getting pregnant for that month until the next egg will release. So, if you are trying for pregnancy then you should start tracking your ovulation period. You can ensure about your pregnancy by female fertility test.

What is Ovulation:

Usually women have period cycles of 28 days. 14 days just before the period starts is the ovulation day. It is the most possible time when you can get pregnant. Some women have 32 days period cycle, for those, 18 days before periods is the ovulation day. Now, when you know it, you can easily track your ovulation period. Nowadays there are many applications and kits available which can help to track ovulation periods. You can use it for your ovulation tracking.

What irregular periods indicate:

If your periods are irregular then it can be hard for you to track your ovulation period. That does not mean that you are not ovulating. Irregular periods are not always a case of worry. It can be because of hormonal changes in the body or change in your routine. If your periods are irregular for once or twice in a year then it is not a big thing to worry for. But if it is the case for every month then you must visit a private gynaecologist as it can be a sign of PCOS.

These are some important factors which a woman should know when she is planning for a baby. If you know about it, it becomes easy for you to track a perfect time when you should try. Though you know about all this, it may take up to 6 months for you to see positive results. If you have a positive result then you can go for an early pregnancy scan. Early pregnancy scan can be done within 6 to 10 weeks of pregnancy. It helps to diagnose whether everything is fine with your pregnancy or not.

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