Different Well Women Health Check-Ups That Are Must For Every Woman

Today, women juggle work, social life and family, which is why they often do not have the time to maintain their health. As a result, women are much more susceptible to physical, mental and emotional problems that trigger health issues. Due to this, a well woman check in London has become a mandatory occasion at every doctor’s clinic.

Women’s health issues revolve around menstruation, pregnancy and menopause that require special care. They must go for regular cervical and breast cancer screening tests, along with bone disorders. Estrogen affects a woman’s body in several ways, which is why examinations detect possible symptoms such as sexually transmitted disease, birth control, heart disease, pregnancy, childbirth, hormonal disorders, menopause and cancer (cervix, ovarian and breast).

Why do women need health checkups?

As women age, their bodies develop and change in several stages. We experience menstruation, puberty, childbearing years and menopause. This is why women must get regular medical checkups and screenings so that doctors note the early symptoms of severe conditions. Physical checkups ensure that you are healthy and receive the necessary medication for your exercise, habits and lifestyle.

Medical screening tests identify conditions before you develop severe symptoms, such as mammograms, colonoscopies, blood pressure tests and blood tests. Depending on the type of screening, private gynaecologists will provide the same at their speciality clinic or hospital.

Why is a womans health checkup important?

Apart from women’s health checkups, you must make time for a healthier lifestyle. This is done by following a nutritious diet, stress management, regular exercise, and adequate sleep. Similarly, you must book regular health screening appointments for a happier life.

In some cases, these examinations have prompted private gynaecologists in London to diagnose cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease at its early stages, which can be treated quickly without removing the organs in question. The procedure depends on the patient’s family history, medical history, diet, exercise and lifestyle habits.

Which health checkups should a woman get done?

Women’s health checkups include preventive care and health screening such as HPV and pap smear tests, pelvic and breast examinations, sexually transmitted disease health screening, cancers (colon, breast and cervix), immunisation and hormone therapy.

  • Physical examination

Before going to specialised diagnosis, you must get a physical examination to check for pending symptoms, treatments, exercise, diet and immunisation. According to the symptoms, you must visit your family doctor at least once a year.

  • Pelvic examination

Women must get a pelvic examination (the pelvis includes the reproductive organs, cervix and vagina) after they turn twenty-one to reduce the chances of cervical cancer, which is done through HPV and pap smear tests. This must be done every five years till they turn thirty to check for sexually transmitted infections and disease.

  • Breast examination

Women must get a breast examination after they turn forty, especially if there’s a history of breast cancer in the family. They should undergo a breast ultrasound, MRI scan and mammogram. For younger women, conduct self-breast examinations for abnormalities and lumps. Ideally, women above fifty must get examinations done every two years, which changes to a biannual examination after they turn fifty-five.

  • Bone mineral density test

Osteoporosis is common in mature women due to the declining estrogen levels, which protects their bones. As estrogen decreases, the bones become weak due to the loss of calcium content in the wrists, hips and spine.

  • Cholesterol

Women must go for a cholesterol checkup every five years between the ages of twenty to forty. It must be done more frequently if they suffer from stroke and heart conditions.

  • Blood sugar and blood pressure testing

You must go for a blood pressure and blood sugar screening test at least every two years to check for kidney problems, heart disease, diabetes and anaemia. This is especially important if you have a family history of these conditions, are obese or pregnant.

  • Colon and rectal cancer screening

Commonly performed in middle-aged to ageing women, colon and rectal examinations are conducted by sigmoidoscopy, CT scans, colonoscopy or a stool test. Unless there is a high chance of developing cancer, you should undergo a sigmoidoscopy every five years and a colonoscopy every ten years.

  • Thyroid examination

Women are susceptible to thyroid issues because of hormonal and body changes during pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and menopause. This could cause unexplained hair loss, weight gain and other problems. Therefore, undergo a thyroid test every five years.

  • Emotional health

Apart from physical health, women must receive counselling for mental well-being when they experience hormonal changes.

As a woman passes through the different stages of life, she must consult a gynaecologist to prevent and treat health issues. If you are looking for a well-woman health checkup, contact us at Well Women Clinic.

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